new to board - know I want my band out - not sure if I want something else

on 5/3/12 6:48 am - TX
Hi All:

This is my 1st post. I've been creeping around for awhile but now I am getting more serious about actually getting something done. So, just sharing my story, and will gladly take any advice.

I am in the Dallas area, in my 30s, and had a lapband put in in 2005. Between then and now I have lost some weight, gained some, had a baby, gained, lost, etc. But I have never lost more than 30 lbs. In addition, I have all the usual lap band complaints - being a constant puke-machine, port pain, and most of all shame - that I paid 10k out of pocket for a surgery that didn't help at all, and gave me more problems and annoyances. I also found out I have PCOS which I guess there is a chicken vs. egg debate about whether it causes or comes from my weight gain.

I realized along time ago that I needed this damn band out, but shame delayed me. Finally I went back to my original surgeon about 1 1/2 years ago, and he basically said that the lapband doesn't work, I should have a sleeve and fork over 10k cash. He didn't want to answer my questions about options, and he didn't want to look into my insurance covering a removal. He said if I wanted it out through insurance I should go to the ER and tell them I can't stop throwing up and ask for them to surgically remove it (WTF kind of crazy advice is that?!!??!)

So, after enduring another year of shame I saw a billboard about revisions and I was stunned to realize that I wasn't the only one with this problem, and learned through the web that there are doctors out there who do revisions and who don't make you feel bad about yourself, and are willing to work with insurance.

I have consulted with one dr. who strongly pushed for a revision to RNY. I am now set up to consult with another dr. next week for a 2nd opinion. I originally just wanted my band out so I hadn't thought about RNY, but I guess now I am coming around to the idea of another procedure. I inquired about the sleeve and the dr. said I could have a sleeve but that with my PCOS and failed band that RNY would be a better choice. I am of course, terrified, from all the things I read online about RNY. But I am also terrified of having a sleeve and it not working b/c my band didn't work, and then I feel shame again.

Another problem is that I eat worse than ever b/c of my stupid band. I eat mushy crappy food with lots of sauce. I do think I could eat better if I didn't worry about throwing it up all the time.
I wish someone could tell me exactly what I should do, but the more I read, the more I see that no one can say for sure, and that another surgery might help, it might not, etc. At this point I guess I need to weigh my options and the advantages and disadvanatages. I would love to hear from someone who also has PCOS (b/c the one dr. I saw thinks people with PCOS do better with RNY).

I'm so ashamed of myself, the money this has cost, the stress it has put my family under, and I worry constantly that I will die in surgery and my daughter and husband will forever be mad at me for dying in an elective surgery.

That's my story. I guess it feels kind of good to get it out. Thanks.

on 5/3/12 11:59 am - Vancouver, WA
Hon please don't feel bad about the band not working, it hasn't worked for so very manyt of us. I can't get a revision at this point because my ins. has an exclusion so I'm stuck with the crap band I have, altho I have had it emptied to hopefully stop any more serious problems. Really either the RNY or sleeve will work I think. Jut mostly depends on whether restriction alone with the sleeve will work for you or if you need the malabsorption of the RNY. Just because the band didn't work doesn't mean these surgeries won't work, like I said the band works for very few people! Once you get rid of the band you'll be able to eat good healthy food again!
Please don't feel guilty about the cost and stress because you just believed the lies the band manufacturers told us, like all the rest of us. We all learned the hard way that it doesn't work! It's also pretty common to be afraid of surgery before hand but beleive me there is so little to worry about. I've had 15 surgeries in the last 6 years and not had one bit of trouble with any of them. Just trust that your surgeon doesn't want any problems either! If you aren't sure feel free to postpone until you are ready! Best wishes to you.
Turtle Lynn
on 5/4/12 3:00 am - New Castle, DE
RNY on 05/29/12 with

First off, welcome!

HisLady gave you good advice.  You've carried this guilt around for too long now, put it down and walk away from it.  Focus on going forward and working towards a revision surgery if that is what you want to do. 

I'm revising from my Band to the Bypass at the end of the month after 3 very painful years of acid reflux, nausea, vomiting, excruciating chest pain, etc, ya know, all the "perks" that come with having a Band that doesn't work properly.  I lost 100 lbs with my band and then gained 50 lbs back.  I've had this Band in me for 5 1/2 years now, but it has been empty for the last 3 years due to severe reflux.  I'm sure you can imagine how much I am looking forward to getting it out. 

Your fears of dying are valid; every surgery is a risk. 

I personally feel that the benefits of this surgery far outweigh the risks of the surgery, anesthesia and all.  Tomorrow is not guaranteed whether you have a revision surgery or not.  You just have to decide for yourself if you feel that a revision and the rewards you will reap healthwise after that are worth the risk.

Best of luck with whatever you choose!  

  HW 287, GW 150,  CW 168   ** Band to RNY 05/29/12 **

Starting BMI between 35 and 40ish? Join us-Lightweights Board


on 5/4/12 5:53 am, edited 5/3/12 6:03 pm
I'm new to OH myself, but your post struck a chord in me where I had to respond. I had the lap band done three years ago. I lost 65 lbs over a period of a few months, but then all of a sudden stopped feeling full when I ate. I started gaining back the weight. I could eat anything without restriction. It was like the band wasn't even there anymore. The clinic tested the band & came to the same conclusion of it having a leak. Unfortunately in the meantime, I lost my insurance that covered bariatric procedures & had to wait three years until I got other insurance coverage before I could even entertain having the band removed. I went into clinical depression & felt guilty, like you, that I had spent my & my insurance company's money on something that failed me so badly.

I am now having a revision to a RNY, which was recommended by my surgeon. I was blessed to have a great surgeon & staff who worked hard to get me to this point. In fact, my surgery is right after Mother's Day. I am sooo looking forward to having it & getting on with my life. I agree that you have to stop feeling guilty or ashamed of your lap band experience and just go forward, whether you just have it removed, or opt for a revision. I wish you luck on whichever route you choose & hope all goes well.

Take care.

on 5/4/12 12:31 pm - Raleigh, NC
Revision on 10/10/14
I can relate to you as well.  I got my band in 2010 and I only lost a total of maybe 30 something pounds and a good portion of this weight-loss was because of the liquid diet for the first 2 weeks following surgery.  The rest of it was due to me working my a$$ off in the gym daily (I wasn't working at the time so I had time to spend a few hrs in there every day).   About 8 months after surgery I started slowly gaining the weight back and then I was working full time so I didn't have the time to spend hrs in the gym any more.  I have never gotten back down to my lowest weight again.  I thought a fill would help but the Dr. swears I am at my "sweet spot" however I feel absolutely no restriction and can eat as much as I want, and despite the exercise I do, the lbs are not coming off.  

I felt a sense of shame because I was doing so good, and people were admiring my weightloss and all of a sudden I'm the same size I was on surgery day!  But I have read a lot about people's band's not helping.  I won't say its not working because maybe I'm not doing my part (this is again where the self-blame comes in)  I really think the Lap Band journey is a psychological tease, 

I have PCOS too.   I've had it since I was a teenager.   When my weight was getting back under control, the PCOS pretty much did not exist.  I have to admit the Dr. warned me before I got the Lap Band that the RnY would be better.  I was scared of dying at the time because I had just had a baby and I want to be here to watch him to grow up.

Now I want a revision, but the Dr. wants me to prove I can lose weight before he will discuss it with me.  Thats bull, I don't have the malabsorption to help me.  I believe I could have gotten the same results without the band as I have with it.
on 5/4/12 8:52 pm - Ottawa, Canada
RE: Converting to the sleeve.

I revised from the band to sleeve four months ago but have not lost any weight. Some say that those who didn't do well with one restrictive procedure (band) tend not to do well with another restrictive procedure (sleeve) because our metabolism is already used to the restriction. I will be revising to a full DS (getting the intestinal portion done) in July.

Best of luck to you.

DS: 2011 (Dr. Michel Gagner) SW: 240
VSG: 2012 (Dr. Michel Gagner) SW: 256
Lap-band: 2006 (SW: 226) , 2011 (SW: 236) (Dr. Christopher Cobourn)

on 5/14/12 1:12 pm
 im currently researching the sleeve.  im too afraid of the bypass too.  im not sure why, it just seems more extreme to  me.  i met with one dr and he recommended the bypass and not the sleeve because he said ill have scar tissue from my previous band surguries.  hmm??  not sure why he feels he could do a bypass over a sleeve.  i wonder if they push the surgery they like better or get paid more from.  i dont know.  im have a 2nd and 3rd opion in the next week or two so ill be glad to hear what they think.  i had prolapse issued with my band, had a surgery to remoe the band and the dr put on a new band and an year later it slipped again so i opted to have the band removed.  here i am today, 3 yrs later with all my weight back on, like 65-70 lbs. 
on 5/24/12 7:29 am
I also had a band put in 7 years ago and have had the same problems as you have. Exactly!!!!  Do not feel bad.  Not all bodies can take the band.  Mine sure can't.  I have never been able to find that perfect restriction spot where I feel full after a small mel andstill don't puke.  I get esophogeal spasms with everything I eat.  That certainly is not my fault.  My body just does not like the band.  Same with you.  It's not your fault.

Now what to do.  I too am very afraid of the surgery.  I too have afeaar of dying from an elective surgery and leaving my family without a mom.  I have to trust the doctor and get these fears out of my head because they are not founded in facts.  Ver, very few people die in surgery I've been told.  Choosing between sleeve or RNY depends if you want malabsorbtion.  I absolutely do.  I loose weight soooo slow as it is I need the extra help.  I do not want to go through a surgery and just have a small stomach like I did with the band.  Thats why I am choosing RNY.   

Good luck with your decision.  If you want someone to talk to who is going through the same thing feel free to stay in touch.  I have my consultation with the second surgeon (first was a big NO) on June 14.  Can't wait.  Now I am more excited than scared.  I cant wait to be skinny!!!
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